2015 | Named Distinguished Honorary Professor of the Universidad Norbert Wiener of Lima, Perú. |
2015 | Tourism Education National Award by AMESTUR Mexico, in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. |
2015 | Recognition Award for Lifetime Achievement in the field of sustainable tourism by Universidad del Caribe, Cancún, Mexico |
2014 | Named Distinguished Honorary Professor of the Universidad Ricardo Palma of Lima, Peru. |
2014 | Named Distinguished Honorary Professor of the Universidad Tecnologica de los Andes, Abancay, Peru. |
2014 | Named Associate Researcher and Advisor of Inkaterra Association of Peru. |
2012 | Named President of the Tourism Committee of the U.S.- Mexico Chamber of Commerce, Mexico City. |
2011 | Recognition Award for his role as Focal Point of the World Commission on Protected Areas – WCPA – of IUCN) during the 20 the 20-year period between 1991 and 2011, granted by the Mexican Committee of IUCN. |
2008 | Awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by IRHA (International Restaurant and Hotel Awards) for his dedication to inable sustainable tourism and ecotourism through smart design (Beverly Hills, California). |
2008 | Appointed panelist of the Sustainable Tourism Destinations Historic Survey of the National Geographic Society. |
2008 | Commemoration by web sites Planeta.com, Ecoclub.com and Borneoecotours.com/ecotourism.bak/ of the 25th Anniversary of Arq. Ceballos-Lascuráin’s having coined the term “ecotourism”. |
2007 | Recognized by Mexican business magazine Expansión as one of the 10 most distinguished Mexican professionals in the fields of ecology and sustainable development (alongside Nobel Prize winner Dr. Mario Molina and other distingished scientists and researchers). |
2007 | Named member of the panel of conservation personalities of the Kinabatangan region, Sabah (Borneo), Malaysia by Borneo Ecotours. |
2007 | Recognition award as Pronatura’s founding president, during celebration of Pronatura’s 25th Anniversary. |
2006 | Included in Gallery of Honour of Ibex Expeditions of New Delhi, India. |
2005 | Judge of the Conde Nast Traveler Magazine 2005 International Ecotourism Awards 2005. |
2005 | Recognition from the Municipality of Ocozocoautla, Chiapas, México, for his contribution to the development of Ecotourism in Mexico and around the World. |
2004 | Obtains the Colibri Lifetime Achievement Ecotourism Award, granted by planeta.com and Canyon Travel. |
2004 | Appointed member of the International Committee for Cultural Tourism of ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) of UNESCO. |
2003 | His architectural design for an ecolodge in Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve is selected by the Mexican architectural and construction magazine OBRAS as one of 5 “Intelligent Buildings”, appearing as cover story in the July issue of this publication. |
2002 | Designated (by WTO and UNEP) Moderator of the Panel reporting regional preparatory meetings held in the Americas at the World Ecotourism Summit, held in Quebec City, Canada. |
2001 | Included in the Roster of Experts in Biodiversity Planning for Latin America and the Caribbean of the UNEP/UNDP Biodiversity Planning Support Program (BPSP). |
2000 | Appointed member of the Ecotourism Committee of the Mexican Council of Tourism Promotion. |
1997 | Appointed member of the American Birding Association (ABA). |
1996 | Appointed member of the Comission on Environmental Strategic Planning (CESP) of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). |
1996 | Appointed Special Adviser on Ecotourism to IUCN. |
1994 | Appointed member of the Sustainable Tourism Commission of COTAL (Confederación de Organizaciones Turísticas de América Latina). |
1994 | Appointed Special Adviser to the Fundación Ecoturismo de Argentina. |
1993 | Elected member of the Ecological Committee of the Mexican Association of Architects. |
1992 | Elected Advisor to The International Ecotourism Society (TIES). |
1992 | Appointed member of the Advisory Group on Sustainable Tourism for Eastern European Countries (IUCN/EEP/British Government). |
1992 | Appointed Advisor to the Ruta Maya Conservation Foundation, based in the U.S. |
1988 | Appointed member of the World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). |
1988 | Elected as Vice-Chairman of the Mexican chapter (CIPAMEX) of the International Council for Bird Preservation (ICBP) - now BirdLife International. |
1986 | Elected Advisor to Amigos de la Reserva de la Biósfera de Sian Ka'an, Mexico. |
1986 | Elected Member of the Consejo Ibero-Americano de Arquitectos (CIANA). |
1981 | Founding President of PRONATURA, the largest and most influential Mexican conservationist NGO, currently with a membership of over 3,000, with four national chapters and one in the U.S. Currently he is Advisor to this NGO. |
1978 | Appointed member of the Sociedad Mexicana de Planificación. |
1977 | Appointed member of the Sociedad Ornitológica de México. |
1970 | Appointed member of the Colegio de Arquitectos de México. |